How to play chess

Chess board:-

                           It is made of 4 black(other colour can be there) and 4 white blocks in alternatively. i.e given following photo:-

                                      Rook(Hathi):-                                                       Rook plays as given below picture.

  Knight (ghoda):-  plays as given below in picture.   
  Queen:- This piece is very important in chess game. All game due to this piece only for protecting this piece.
King:- Playing property of this piece is given below.

This piece playing property is given below.
Pawn(pyala):-This is three way to go only in forward direction
1 St and 2nd step :- is given following picture:-
3rd step:- to go forward when your opponent have his/ her peice as following picture:-

NOTE:- These peice can go forward or backward direction only when if your peice is not in front of that peice So, firstly you have to remove that peice in front of peice and you have chance only chance for playing one piece

How to put chess peice on chess board you can learn by this link


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